date: 2017
status: prequalified assignment
type: masterplan
client: Trondheim kommune
coll.: Rambøll, Agraff

Cities are and have always been marked by change. Change is the driving force behind their development.
Sluppen area is one of the most exciting city-transformation areas in Trondheim. The area has great potential for developing a climate-neutral city and can help the city of Trondheim reach the zero-target for transport growth.

To succeed in these ambitious goals, we must base ourselves on the human recourses and the need for common meeting places on the one hand and a realistic and robust plan for collective transport and accessibility on the other. The loop ring cultivate both strategies.
The green loop develops and ties existing and new blue-green structures into a coherent network of urban spaces and recreational opportunities. Nidelva river, the forest and the future urban park spaces give Sluppen a new identity. These facilitate greater use of bicycles and are designed as safe connections for walking.
The ring surrounds the future Sluppen center. It is a flexible and robust infrastructure that ensures good accessibility internally and efficiently connects to E6 and other parts of Trondheim city. This makes future with car free Sluppen centrum possible.
From a dilapidated and ineffective business area, Sluppen transforms into a green, modern and future-oriented district. A gateway, a portal city designed as an attractive hub, where the major transport facilities are utilized to give the area opportunities and specialties and not being perceived as barriers and problems.