date: 2017
status: prequalified assignment
type: government headquarters
client: statsbygg
coll.: Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter,
Pir II, 3RW, SAAHA, 70 ° Nord,
LALA Tøyen, Smedsvig Landskapsarkitekter,
WSP Norge, Høyer Finseth, Niras and ECT

Team DNA (Det Norske Arkitektkontor - The Norwegian Architecture Offices) is a collaboration of architects from various regions in Norway, to contribute to the national task of reimagining the government quarter in Oslo, Norway.
Team DNA was one of the 7 competing teams to take on one of the most important national building tasks of our time, which comprised of Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter, Pir II, 3RW, SAAHA, 70 ° Nord, LALA Tøyen, Smedsvig Landskapsarkitekter, WSP Norge, Høyer Finseth, Niras and ECT.

The competition subject matter has continuously been the focus of passionate national debate regarding the fate of the damaged but symbolic buildings of the government block. As such, we see it crucial to contribute to the discussion through a collaboration of diverse perspectives from throughout Norway, bringing together offices from Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim and Tromsø to engage in the challenge.
The proposal contains between 90,000 to 100,000 m2 while preserving the iconic "Høyblokka", which incorporates art from Picasso and Nesjar, built in 1953 by Norwegian architect Erling Viksjø.