Lysaker metro station
date: 2018
status: prequalified competition
type: metro station
client: Oslo and Bærum Kommune
coll.: Rundquist, Degree of Freedom

SAAHA, together with Rundquist and Degree of Freedom, were prequalified for the competition to design Fornebubanen’s Lysaker metro station.
Lysaker is one of six new metro stations, which is planned to be built as part of the new Fornebuban metro line. The new line will provide a direct connection between the centre of Oslo and Fornebu.

The space around us is always a simultaneous expression of aesthetic, technical and functional conditions. The way it looks and works defines our culture.Our main goal for the project was to create a green spot, which also addresses both the functional and technical requirements resulting from urban growth. Finding the right balance between infrastructure and urban design was of primary importance.
By analysing the city of Lysaker today, it is clear that the new station and its surrounding area must not only resolve the logistical needs inherent for such infrastructure, but should equally provide an enriching and provocative setting for commuters. The proposal endeavours to stitch a green lung into the dense urban weave.
Crucial elements of Lysaker’s identity include its green environmental attitude, industrial history and the sea front. As such, the proposal envisions Lysaker Central Station as a new city park, an urban oasis, a unifying space in the heart of Lysaker. It will become a central gathering place with diverse attractions for both residents and visitors. The frontages of the existing station will be opened up to create a connection towards the green park and thereby provide exciting opportunities for new shops and cafes.
Lysaker Central Station will become an important part of the city fabric. It will become a meeting point for a meal, for a drink with friends or a place for the whole family where kids can play in the park and along the river front.