«Urban Fjord District»
«Urban Fjord District»
date: 2020
status: Zoning precedure initiated
type: City Planing / Housing / Adaptiv reuse
client: Hegreneset AS / Profier AS
coll.: Smedsvig Landskapsarkitekter (landscape architects), ABO Plan og Arkitektur (zoning)
illus.: SAAHA

Hegreneset is a peninsula to the north of Bergen on the west coast of Norway, beautifully located where the shoreline turns back towards Bergen centre, maintaining a close visual contact with the surrounding landscape, the fjord and the city.
It has historically been characterised by industrial use, with greatly contrasting building scales and a pragmatic relationship to the landscape.
Both the shoreline and existing industrial buildings have evolved over time as the area has adapted to changing industrial needs. This concept plan for Hegreneset provides a tangible response to the client's overall ambition to create a diverse, sustainable and future-oriented urban fjord district. But first and foremost this is an illustration of concrete strategies and key elements that define a robust yet flexible foundation for the zoning plan for Hegrenest.